To get started, you will have to first fulfill a few prerequisites –

Download IntelliJ IDEA on your machine.Download Selenium WebDriver Language Bindings for Java.

Since we have already covered the selenium binding download in the Eclipse article, I assume that you know you need to save the jar files at any convenient location on your machine. Let us now begin with the installation of TestNG in IntelliJ. Step#1 As soon as you launch IntelliJ, navigate to the Plugins tab. Step#2 You may then click on the Installed tab and search for TestNG. You will see the TestNG plugin displayed in the list. In case you do not see the plugIn you may click on Marketplace, search TestNG and install the same from the list displayed. And there you go! Did you see how easy it is to get TestNg in your IntelliJ IDE as compared to Eclipse? The next step is setting up the Java project with Selenium and TestNG libraries to start with our Selenium TestNG journey using IntelliJ. . Once you have installed TestNg to the IntelliJ TDE, the next step is setting up the selenium and TestNG jar files in the IntelliJ project. So, there are two ways to go about it. We will review both of these ways and you may select the way that best suits you.

Adding JAR files to the project

Your project is now set with Selenium and TestNG JAR files.

Adding Maven Dependencies to the project

Rather than adding the jars manually, you may alternatively use Maven dependencies for Selenium and TestNG in the Maven project. Instead of the general project, we will create a Maven project and follow the steps below to add the dependencies. Your Selenium TestNG project is now all set and you can proceed with writing your TestNG tests on IntelliJ IDE. Now that we are done setting up TestNG and Selenium libraries, the next and final step is writing the test script. We will try and automate the below use case in our test script.

Use Case

Open the LambdaTest website.Compare the page title with the expected title.Print the results.Quit the browser.

Let us look at how the code for this would look like. import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class TestOne { WebDriver driver; //TestNG annotation for the test method @Test public void TestOne(){     //Setting the system properties to set chrome driver path      System.setProperty(“”, “D:\Selenium\chromedriver.exe”);      driver = new ChromeDriver();      //Navigating to the website      driver.get(“”);      //Method to maximise window      driver.manage().window().maximize();      String expectedTitle = “Most Powerful Cross Browser Testing Tool Online | LambdaTest”;      String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();      if(actualTitle.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedTitle))          System.out.println(“We have landed on the correct page 🙂   »> ” +actualTitle);      else          System.out.println(“Looks like it is an incorrect page :O  »> ” +actualTitle);      driver.quit(); } } On executing the above code you will notice that the web browser opens up and the console logs display the TestNG logs with the test status. So now that you have seen how to install and set up TestNG in IntelliJ IDE you may go ahead and start your test automation journey using IntelliJ. But make sure that the jar files for Selenium and TestNG are in sync so that your test doesn’t fail. To perform Selenium testing with TestNG, you can choose from different cloud testing platforms like LambdaTest which offers manual and automated cross-browser testing across a wide range of real browsers and operating systems on its cloud-based Selenium Grid. Happy testing!

Selenium Automation Testing With TestNG  Step By Step Guide   Seomadtech - 71